Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Couple Cal updates

  • Bananas are his new fave
  • He has what we call “crazy arm.” He’s fascinated by movement and touching things and his new thing is to lift his arm up and down really fast
  • He gets a little wacky before bedtime. Like a second wind while we’re getting him ready for bed but the second his head hits the crib he turns totally chill
  • He uses his voice to get food and associates his high chair with eating. We put him in his chair while we get his food together and he yells at us until we feed him.
  • He’s SO close to sitting up on his own. He can sit for a couple seconds, supporting himself with his hands and then tips over.
  • Still no teeth…

    In other kid news, Suzie had an unexpected trip to the vet this week but rest assured, she’s fine. We thought she might have stepped on a nail but somehow she torn off part of the top layer of her foot pad. A little TLC and she’ll be fine.

Getting ready for dinner (this is pretty mild compared to most nights)

1 comment:

Jenni said...

I beleive thats what his mom is like when she is waiting for food too!