Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The time has come sweet 2 year old has formed an opinion on everything, down to the clothes he wears. Every morning right after waking up he brings me the shirt he wants to change into, first request is one of his "Go Cougs" shirts, next is his basketball shirt (below), and third choice is his "ABC shirt" (shirt with the #67 on it). Fortunately I'm pretty good at using my negotiation skills (for now) to work other clothes into the line-up (and I plan to order a bunch of graphic t's from Gap to broaden the selection), cause I refuse to have a four shirt rotation. The funny thing about the "Go Cougs" shirts is that he usually goes digging through mine and Ian's drawers then and makes us put on our WSU shirts - gotta love the Cougar spirit!


Joshua said...

When we are all expecting you to pop any minute you really shouldn't title a post "The Time Has Come". It really gives the wrong idea.

The Hunter Family said...

haha, that is kind of a mean joke. just want to keep everyone on their toes ;)