Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Big boy

We're in milestone mania over here. B's doing all kinds of new tricks - walking, talking, you name it. This kiddos is keeping me on my toes. He's into everything (seriously, everything. Plants, cords, cabinets, stairs, etc.) and he's the quickest little guy with no fear, not a good combo.

He's saying a handful of words: mama, dada, Suz, night-night, duck, fish, no-no and he's repeating all kinds of sounds. And for the big kicker, for the last month B's been taking solo steps here and there but in the last week he's kicked it into high car and a couple days ago took 7 consecutive steps all by himself and yesterday, 10! The funny thing is that he's such a stubborn bugger that's it's all on his terms, we can't stand him up and have him walk to us, he just drops to him knees (so don't expect a video anytime soon ).

Bennett had his 1-year check-up Tuesday, here's how he's measuring up:
weight: 26 lbs. 5 oz (88%)
height: 31 7/8 (93%)

Cal's 1-year stats:
weight: 27 lbs. 12 oz (96%)
height: 33 inches (99%)

my baby @ 5 days old (his first post-birth check-up)
and my babes at B's 1-year check-up
Obviously, teething just a bit (#8 should be popping through anyday)
sweetest little voice.

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