- Ian got a new job.
- We listed & sold our Seattle house.
- Ian moved to Wenatchee and in w/ the in-laws.
- I said goodbye to PR & hello to stay-at-home motherhood (hooray)!
- Cal & I moved a month later once the house closed.
- We got settled.
- Cal turned 2.
- Bennett was born!
- Our house almost burnt down (x2).
- And, we bought a new house & are moving again.
(the new house)
But seriously - although busy - it's been a GREAT year. Ian got a wonderful job, we were able to move close to my fam, I'm now home full-time with my kiddos and the biggest blessing of it all, Bennett joined our family!
Livin' the American dream. Congratulations guys!!
YAY - so happy for you guys!
Yeah for you! Better to being going through all those big changes while you're young and full of energy! Or, at least you bounce back quick! :-)
Nice digs! Can't wait to see it in person!
GINA - COME & VISIT US!!! Cal's been talking about Hailey a lot!
LOVE the new house! Miss you!
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