Wednesday, June 24, 2009

the toupee

There are days Cal looks like he's wearing a serious toupee. Today was one of those days... He's got a massive strip of hair on the top of his head that tends to get a little poofy and it's quite a bit longer than the rest of his hair. Fortunately, little man's getting a cut later this week.

sharing his mac & cheese

I was trying to get him to say his new favorite word... "NO". It's too funny when he says it cause it comes out clear as a bell. He mostly uses it on the dogs, but he's started telling me NO too.


Jenni said...

Its all business for Cal on the top!

Joe and Gina said...

haha, love Jenni's comment! That hair-do is hilarious. Can't wait to see the new do!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you can save Cal's hair and have a toupee made for Ian