Sunday, August 8, 2010

1 month & then some

I can't believe it's been over a month since we welcomed Bennett into the world (5 weeks). He's growing like a weed and while I love watching him grow, learn and change everyday I'm not ready for him to not be a newborn anymore... I feel like we're enjoying this age much more than we did with Cal. Maybe it was the stress of "learning" how to be a parent with a first kid or that Bennett is a pretty content baby that it makes being his parent easy. Whatever it is I just want the days/months to pass a little slower.

Here's a little bit about our lil' B: he's an awesome sleeper. I almost hate saying it out loud cause I don't want to jinx it... Since week 1 he's only been getting up once a night and sleeps usuallly in 6-7 hour stretches (and since he's gaining weight like a champ, I let him sleep). In the past week he's had a couple nights where he's gone to bed at 9, woke up at 5 a.m. to eat and was back in bed from 5:30 until 9:15 am - amazing! He's the type of kid I've heard other parents talk about but I didn't think they really existed. I sure hope he keeps this up cause I've been spoiled and it would be a rude awakening to start getting up several times a night. He LOVES bath time, loves being toted around in the Ergo, is socially smiling more and more everyday, loves to eat and eats A LOT, doesn't like being hungry, giggles when he sleeps, is a really noisy sleeper, snorts when he's really hungry, loves to snuggle, makes the sweetest coo'ing sounds, is balding on the top of his head, enjoys sitting in the Boppy and taking in the sights, hates when he has a poopy diaper, has insane head control for a 5 week old, and is almost out of his 0-3 month clothes.

staring contest
reading books in bed with my two favorite boys
trying to get a smile on camera (not sure why he looks like such a grease monkey in this pic)B's first piece of mail"I'm so big!"of course, brother had to sneak into the picso sleepy

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