Monday, December 22, 2008

Cabin Fever

We're all going a little stir crazy in the house with minimal trips out this last week. I tried to venture out today, got Cal all bundled up, popped the car in 4Lo to get out of the driveway and go figure -- there's a postal truck stuck in the ditch at one end of the street blocking the way and a another car stuck and blocking the street at the other end. So back to the house we go.

Suzie's resorted to stealing binkis to stay entertained (something she's NEVER done).

Cal's resorted to sneaking off and trying to open his Christmas presents.
I've resorted to Barney. There's only so much I can do in our little house to keep Cal entertained so Barney's helping me out.


The Schlameus Family said...

I'm sorry, but that picture of Suzie is PRICELESS, I seriously laughed aloud! Stay warm over there!!

Jenni said...

That is a great pic of Cal trying to open a present?

The McFarlane Family said...

Oh cute! That is hilarious!

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas guys! Hope you stay safe.


The Hunter Family said...

Yep - he's being really naughty with his presents. He keeps sneeking off and tries to open the corners of them.