Saturday, January 25, 2014

4 months.

We hit the magical 4 months mark on the 14th and while I'm a little late in posting this, I did manage to snap some pics of the little lady on her monthly birthday. I love 4 month old babies. So happy, so content & starting to get fun. Emmie's full of smiles and we're getting the occasional belly laughs (the best!). We're having so much fun with her. And we're hitting some big ole' milestones. She started rolling from back to tummy on Jan. 1 (3.5 months) and is a rolling machine (hence the issues with trying to get a pic of her in her 4 month sticker).  And to our surprise last night we discovered 2 teeth in her mouth. She has a cold and is drooling like crazy so I put my finger in her mouth to feel around and sure enough her two bottom teeth are completely through. I have no idea when they first broke through since I've never checked before. The boys didn't get their first tooth until 6+ month so teething wasn't even on my radar.

Another milestone on my wishlist, sleeping through the night.  Things in the sleep department are better than they were a couple weeks ago, but I miss my sleep.

4 month stats:
height: 26.5" (99%)
weight: 15 lb. 3.4 oz (70%)

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