Monday, June 4, 2012

Things to remember about Little Bro

I realized I haven't done a "what's Bennett up to" post in awhile and while I love to brag share all of his new "tricks" with my blogging buddies, I also love having them on here to look back on.

So here's the latest and greatest (at least some of them that I can think of at the moment):

  • Probably one of my favorites...  His "I love you" sounds exactly like "I muffin you"
  • He can count to 10 and is starting to learn his ABC's (as of today he's up to the letter 'I').
  • Bennett's asks "what's that?" about everything.
  • He has yet to get his first hair cut, but is definitely in need of one. 70% of the time he's got a mullet, and the other 30% the back of his hair is curly. He also has the exact same hairline as his daddy. And he gets the craziest bed head (exhibit A below)
  • He's still a dream baby when it comes to sleep (we really hit the jackpot in this department from day 1). He goes down for naps and bedtime eagerly without any fuss and can't wait to get in his crib and we don't hear a peep from him until the morning. I can't even tell you the last time he woke up during the night.
  • He loves shoes and is also starting to be annoyingly opinionated about what he wears.
  • He wants more than anything to go to preschool with Cal.
  • He loves dogs dearly.
  • His favorite sport is football.
  • His favorite book is "I'm going on a bear hunt."
  • He has an intense love for tractors and trucks (and following in his brother's footsteps, he knows the difference between an excavator, backhoe, dump truck, etc.)
  • I'm pretty sure "NO" is his favorite word.
  • He likes to befriend random (sometimes creepy) strangers at the grocery store.
  • There's no place he'd rather be than outside, and we have to be very careful about saying the "O" word in our house when it's not time to go out.
  • He always want to walk on his own when we're out and about but refuses to hold hands with anyone. So when I give him the option to hold my hand or be held he chooses being held.

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