Friday, October 14, 2011

track superstar

Both my boys love shoes so when I showed Cal a new pair of sneakers that I got him, he was thrilled. He wanted to know if they were running shoes like mommy's, so when I said yes we had an entire day of this (& several days to follow)....
and the next day he couldn't wait to get to school to show his teacher his new kicks.


Kim @ The Gab said...

It's so cute that he is racing himself! You must be a good example for him to know he has running shoes like mom. Happy running :)
Have you heard of the turkey trot Thanksgiving day?

The Hunter Family said...

I have heard of the turkey trot. Are you going to do it?! We're going to be in town this year for Thanksgiving so I think I'm going to sign up. It's going to be cold! ;)