Friday, November 30, 2007

Almost 8 month appointment

Yesterday we had our almost 8 month appointment - Julie is 31 weeks. Again, the doctor said that everything looks good. Julie is still measuring farther along than her due date represents. She might be about 2 weeks ahead of schedule. Our doctor doesn't seem too concerned and will just keep monitoring the growth of the belly/uterus. Julie is having more frequent and noticeable Braxton Hicks contracts which is normal for this stage in the pregnancy and our doctor told us to just keep an eye on how often she's having them and how long they last for. However, getting the official confirmation that these are in fact "contractions" freaked Julie out a bit. The baby is still moving around quite a bit, especially at night. All the uncomfortable aches and pains that come along with the third trimester are starting to kick in as Julie is having a lot of lower back pain as well as discomfort around her ribs.

We're still waiting to set up the nursery but the good news is that our crib is in, and the other furniture should be in next week!

Here's a picture of Julie at 31 weeks.

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