Monday, May 9, 2011

What a week!

This past week has been a bit crazy. Aside from the usuals - gymnastics class, preschool, house work, etc. - we had some fun play dates at the park (& awesome spring weather), a visit from some good friends, Apple Blossom fun, Ian's 30th bday, Mother's Day & an AMAZING 30th birthday/early-Anniversary weekend getaway to Sun Mountain Lodge. Life is full!

Some Misc...

Just one of the girls, cheering on Luke at his track meet.

Off to the parade.Clara & her brother Crosby came over for a playdate while I got to visit with my friend Liz (their momma) and Cal couldn't get enough of her. They played football, baseball, got dirty, etc.We made the most of our kid-free time and packed a 5th Anniversary & 30th bday celebration into a incredible getaway to Sun Mt. Lodge. I'm a little obsessed with the Methow now and can't wait to get back there. We ate good (not to mention, enjoyed eating out without any kid meltdowns), did some wine tasting, shopped, hiked, and ate more. (thanks mom & dad for watching the kids) kinda crazy, there were deer everywhere.view from our room balcony
and a little friend hanging out outside our front doorand of course, everything we did reminded us of the kiddos - including this bison at the lodge that we knew Cal would freak over - so we got our pic w/ it. Hooray, hooray for the 8th of May! Sunday was Ian's 30th so after we got home from Sun Mountain we had a BBQ party at our house to celebrate. Happy Birthday Old Man!
and we had a couple extra party guests, Edward
& Jacob.

1 comment:

Ian said...

I owe my wife a huge THANK YOU for such a great weekend and birthday. Julie out-did herself and I appreciate everything. Happy mothers day too!!