Saturday, June 28, 2008

Crib gymnastics & Golden Gardens

In the last two days we have went from putting Cal in his crib and him falling right asleep, to putting Cal in his crib and coming in 10 minutes later to a wide awake baby in a totally different position than we laid him down in. His new thing is to do crib gymnastics after we lay him down and either flip from his back to his tummy or do a 180 turn when lying on his back. It's becoming pretty entaining going in to check on him and seeing what tricks he has up his sleeve. However, it’s taking him much longer to go to sleep cause he flips to his tummy then stays awake for one of us to come in and flip him back over (even though he knows how to roll from tummy to back).

Tonight we went to Golden Gardens to hang out and BBQ with friends. We all had a good time and Cal even got to stay up past his bedtime (although he took a little catnap).

Being silly with mom

Hanging out at Golden Gardens

Cal with Amanda & Shannyn

Mom & friends

Too much fun

1 comment:

Joe and Gina said...

How funny! I bet it's a kick to see where Cal ends up. :) Wish you guys were coming on the 4th, you'll be missed.