Cal had his two-month check-up yesterday and it’s official, he’s huge. He weighs 14 lbs. 8 oz. putting him in the 97th percentile and he’s 25 inches long (98%). He apparently loves going to the doctor because every time we’re there he is so good and so happy. He even got several shots and only cried for a sec. His pediatrician was so impressed with his development including his head control, hand/mouth coordination, etc. Ian and I placed dibs on Cal’s weight and height before the appointment and I hit both exactly, I guess it’s the motherly instinct.
Cal is “talking” (a.k.a. cooing) a lot and we’re going to try to record it and post it on the blog, it’s adorable. It’s like he’s having a conversation with us cause we say something and he responds. One of his sounds, sounds exactly like he’s saying “hi.” He’s also started imitating me, I stick out my tongue and then he does it, over and over. Not the best thing to teach him but again, it’s so cute.
Cal is “talking” (a.k.a. cooing) a lot and we’re going to try to record it and post it on the blog, it’s adorable. It’s like he’s having a conversation with us cause we say something and he responds. One of his sounds, sounds exactly like he’s saying “hi.” He’s also started imitating me, I stick out my tongue and then he does it, over and over. Not the best thing to teach him but again, it’s so cute.
Tomorrow Cal is making his first trip over to his future college, WSU!! Mom and I are going to see Elton John while Ian and Cal go visit Great Grandma & Grandpa Weber.
We plan to spend some time outside today to enjoy the great weather and will take and post more pics in the next day or so.
Buried in stuffed animals
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